🧊 Club

🧊 Club is a very cool webring, and you can be part of it if you like.

What a webring is

If you’re in the webring, your website is listed on this website. You’ll also have a little set of buttons on your website like this:


These will let visitors to your website click between sites in the webring, hopefully discovering other cool websites and leading cool folks to discover your cool website in turn.


We do have some rules about what kind of sites we would like to be in the webring:

How to join

Create an issue in our GitHub repo (or a PR if you’re feeling brave). The info we need looks like this:

# Your name or website name
name: Joel Auterson
# The next number in the chain (we can give you this)
weight: 2 
# Your website
site: https://joelotter.com 
# An image. This can be a relative URL if hosted on your
# site, or an absolute URL for one from elsewhere.
image: /img/profile.jpg 
# (Optional) The RSS feed on your website, if you have one.
feed: /posts/index.xml

A description of your site, in a few sentences.

The file should be yourname.md, e.g. joel.md or pat.md.

To be added, you also need to add the buttons to your website:

  <a href="https://join-the-cool.club/members/yourname?prev" style="text-decoration: none">⬅️</a>
  <a href="https://join-the-cool.club/members/yourname" style="text-decoration: none">🧊</a>
  <a href="https://join-the-cool.club/members/yourname?next" style="text-decoration: none">➡️</a>

And you’re done. Welcome to 🧊 Club!